Monday, July 7, 2014

Keep on, keepin on!

I'm sorry to hear about Richard. I do remember him and seeing him around church and Valley Mental. He was a really good guy, I loved his comments he would make in Sunday School. He seemed to have a very good understanding of the Gospel. Send my condolences to the family and tell them I'll be praying for them, and try to be a big support to Amy and his kids.
It's good that Kylee is doing better. Sister Wilde (the family we live with) has to get that surgery every two years. She has a lot of health issues. She said to get one of those Netti pot thingys. It's a spray type thing. Sister Wilde has Sampter's Triad. And like type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. She hasn't smelled anything in 15 years. She said when they pulled the packing out of her sinus', it was like the guy was a magician. Hahah. It just kept coming and coming. She's dope, though. When their homeshare closes out after this transfer, I will have lived with them about 6 months. That's crazy. 1/4 of my mission with them. I love that family and all the people in the Woodcrest Ward. I've gotten to pretty much know everyone on a really comfortable level.

We have a larger incoming next transfer, so I might train. That sounds fun and scary at the same time. Haha. President Mullen is such a baller. I love that man already. He thug hugs us. (Hans shake into a hug with 3 taps on the back). I'm going to see if I can get him to pound it after. He's like in his late 60's, and kind of reminds me of Grandma and Grandpa Greenburg. His wife is really cool too. This week has been a bit crazy since it was the 4th. From what I've gathered, everyone just kind of chilled out on the 4th. Just a few people were lighting off fireworks. In Riverside County they're illegal. But we were talking to some people in a Stater Bros. parking lot  in a not so good area of Riverside and someone lit off a super loud Arial firework and I thought someone was getting shot at, Haha. #FunTimes #ImOkayMom.. Working wise it was a little hard because of the 4th, but we did okay. We're going to try and place 8 Books of Mormon this next week. We placed 4 this last week, which isn't bad. We're really focusing on good, quality OYMs. (Open Your Mouth). We met with William again, and put him on date for the 13th, but we haven't seen him again and he missed church. Alex (his Uncle grows weed, and the people around his house think we're feds. #DruggyArea) is kind of on date for the 27th, but we're going to try and make it more solid. Vasti is still solid for the 20th, and we're going to try and get Corrina's mom to approve her to get baptized that day, as well. We're picking up a new investigator tonight named Isis. She's living in foster care with a family in our ward, but the family doesn't have guardianship, but they think Isis' mom will be okay with it. It's just one of those legal things that Satan loves to dig his claws into. We'll get it figured out.

But all is good in Riverside. This place is pretty sweet. I love Cali. It's starting to get hot here. Did you get Sister Michaelson's pic from the 4th? #Murica. I saw that photo you sent her of Andy. If you end up in Gunnison, you end up there. Hit up Snow College for reception work somewhere. Maybe the Institute by the college as well. They're expanding, I think. Just go with Snow and around Snow. I feel like there would be some jobs there. Maybe. I dunno. Think about it pray about it. The Lord approves more than he assigns. (D&C 8:2-4). I'm stoked to see the new baby as well. Maybe I'll be the first to have a girl in the family, but you're going to have to wait until I'm like 30 because marriage and the future freaks me out. #Single4Lyfe.

But seriously, this is important about receiving revaluation that people don't know about. The Lord approves more than he assigns. Instead of asking "Heavenly Father, do you want me to move to Gunnison?" Where is the free agency? Ask, "Heavenly Father, I am thinking about moving to Gunnison. Please tell me if I am wrong." Because then you are acting upon your own agency and including him. Where is the faith if you just come to him and say, "What do you  want me to do?" We learn that in Ether where the Brother of Jared (dats me!) has to light their ships but can't use windows (Those would break, ya dummy!), or fire (tard). So he makes clear stone and says, "Now, Lord, don't be mad at me for being a dumb human, but I know that you are all powerful and can light these stones, and I have the faith that you can. Would you?" and BAM! The Lord does it.
Just have  the faith that you will receive an answer, and be prepared to act on the revelation received. Moroni taught us that in Moroni 10:3-5 when he told us the way we can learn if the Book of Mormon is true. Search it out (D&C 8), pray about it (Moroni 10:3-5), bring it to the Lord, and do it (Ether).


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