Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

I just had some cold, I got over it. Now I'm fighting athlete's foot . It's all good, though. I have a cream that I'm using and it'll get better hopefully.
Yeah, I don't miss gnats. Screw those guys. Haha.

The work is going. It's been better than last week. We double the amount of lessons we taught, so that's good. It's good to work, but we're still knocking on the same doors with no one answering. We're just praying a lot. F'real. I have never prayed this much in my life. Like over 30 times a day vocally.
The ward is good. There are a few awesome families that have our backs. One is the Stubbs. They're so awesome and their kids are great. His brother lives next to Jon Schmidt  in Bountiful. Another is the Marquettes. They're moving to Morgan soon, though. Another is the Kalifi's. They just had a kid. Brother Kalifi is just this jacked Tongan. He's super cool. They're a cool young couple.
We're working hard, and we will keep working hard until the Lord tells us to stop and we get everyone in Riverside dunked. That's the game plan. Go until you're told to stop.
*Yeah, I got the package and Jared sucks at choosing ties. Hahaha. Some were good. The CTR one had a huge stain on it. Hahahaha. Thanks. If you want to send more, do it. Ties are always appreciated. Also, my patriarchal blessing. Those books were great as well. Tell Jared to finish that CD ASAP. We're going crazy listening to the same old stuff.
Thanks! also
, J-Dubs believe that 144,000 will become Priests and Priestesses. It says it somewhere in the Bible. I dunno. J-dubs are weird. But born-agains are just insane. I have never heard someone so adamantly tell me that by grace is the only way that we can be saved, which is true. It's just messed up that they think that no matter what they do, they'll be saved because they believe in Christ. Whatev, breh. Just get in the font.

 also, that's a photo of the Cali sunset from my area. That's looking towards LA, and the ocean. The ocean is just on the other side of those far mountains.
Love and miss you guys.
*Adder (by mom) for the record, I picked the ties to send to him, not Jared, so Jared is off the hook, and apparently I suck at picking out ties (we have about a million, and leave it to me to pick the wrong ones)

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